
Iphone autocorrect is truly revolutionary. I truly need these super common words to constantly be changed to complete nonsense.

"in" to "inn"
"an" to "available"
"do" to "doo" or "dou"
"and" to "abs", "ABCs"
Many, many others.

It took over 20 corrections to complete this simple thought.

Soft locks several times a week so I have to hard restart it in the middle of doing things.

$3500 for a VR headset? Where do I sign up?

  • 5
    I had to turn off google's bullshit too. Kept opening up a fucking dialog when pressing shit wrong. Only way to stop it was disabling a bunch of shit. This auto anything is turning out to be shit a lot of the time.
  • 5
    @Demolishun i dont even use autocorrect at all. It shows in my writing but i prefer to just type myself correctly and wrongly how i want.
  • 1
    @joewilliams007 @Demolishun not sure if it's latest Android or not, but my Pixel only underlines misspelled words or even word combinations. I can choose to click on the word, that then opens a popup with suggestions.
  • 1
    @WildOrangutan that stupid popup caused me issues trying to edit the word. I had to disable that crap.
  • 0
    @WildOrangutan sounds much better! i use samsung keyboard instead of gbord. With Key Caffee Samsung 'plugin' you can have crazy looking animations like an rgb keyboard but much fancier.
  • 0
    Yep, that’s bitten me more than once.

    Stuff like writing “st. soon” where st is a comment abbreviation for station and usually written in a hurry too..

    Autocorrected to “SexTape soon” like wtf …
  • 0
    I disabled it completely, it is just annoying. No auto correction, no word suggestions and no underlining of misspelled words. It gets more annoying the more languages you write and even more annoying when you use dialect with no official spelling and most (all?) spelling correction software don't support it.
  • 0
    I always disable autocorrect too. :-)

    These shiny features are shits covered with gold. They never get things right. Please leave what I typed alone. My friends and family understand all those terms and shortened words.
  • 0
    I've got another one.

    so -> Soo
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