I'm a Microsoft fan, but I can never ever never EVER forget this abomination:

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    @bubble I was a teen when it came out. Had a lot of "multimedia" programs which were fun, but I couldn't tolerate the constant blue screens and install errors and whatnot
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    @karakamen we have a dev lead on my team who when reviewing PR's, essentially denies the PR and has that dev rewrite their code "his" way. Myself and some of the other dev's were saying last week we need to make a version of "clippy" that pops up during development asking "Has <said dev lead> reviewed your code lately?" Clippy lives!
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    Windows CE ME NT, hard as brick, dumb as rock
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    @forceQuit I can't imagine a more representative mascot for your colleague than Clippy. Clippy is love. Clippy is life! He will never die!
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    @GieltjE Oh yeah. I remember the NT versions of that era being stable AF
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    What's the joke here? ME was a Microsoft's best product ever maybe only second to the Zune™. Although in my honest opinion Microsoft Bob beats them both put together.
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    @shaji I am just now finding out about Microsoft Bob! My chakras have opened! It's hillaruous!
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    @runfrodorun Hell yeah! Looks like fun. Can't believe they expected you to handle your bonds with that interface. On another note, The Sims was originally planned to be an architecture visualization tool. Maybe they should've just turn it into a game.
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