Advice wanted! !rant
Guys i started web dev about two years ago on windows but i want to switch to linux. I thought of using elementary os, ubuntu or arch. What would you recommend?
Also how do you do your setup then? Dualboot or in a vm? I want to use docker to set up my infrastructure if possible.
Also i mainly use InteliJ for dev.

Thanks in advance!
Also i love devRant!

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    I use Ubuntu for 5 years now and it was a pleasure working on it. Easy setup, easy config for any type of server/tech needed...

    You can test them all if you like and see what fits for you, thow...
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    @balaianu do you run it native or in a vm?
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    @azuredivay its mainly for backend dev and deployment so i get better with the terminal
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    @toggleTrueFalse native with a dual boot windows 7 I only used 3-5 times in 5 years to test some crap :)
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    @toggleTrueFalse oh, and I really liked guake as the termnal, if it helps :)
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    Arch dual boot, it'll force you to learn quick sink or swim style because you'll probably lose access to windows in the process the first time you install, from that point you'll be forced to learn just to get back in
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    Current distribution: Arch
    Desktop Environment: Deepin, i3 backup.
    Recommend distribution for a beginner, Fedora or Antergos.
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    @Tribex How do you like i3? I've been using arch + dwm for about a year and a half now and while I do like it a lot I've been considering switching to a different tiling wm, mostly just to mix things up
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    @-Neo It pretty much works well enough for me not to complain, but not enough to reach super high levels of productivity. I've customized it a lot but it still doesn't handle everything. The system tray in particular is a bit wonky.

    As my main desktop I was using GNOME, but recently found Deepin to be both faster and, well, fancier.
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    @Tribex Never heard of deepin but I'll look into it, you ever use openbox? I love that the only menu in it is a right click menu, you get the pros of a menu without taking up the space of one
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    Yeah, not a fan of it to be honest. I do everything with a search box.

    Deepin is a Chinese-made distribution/de, which gives one reason for concern, and it's not hugely customizable, but boy is it slick.
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    @Tribex I'm usually pretty big on customization but I'll def take a look, what's it based on? Debian etc
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    @jpichardo @matsaki95 @Edwiuxaz and everyone else linuxish I forgot, opinions?

    I'd say fedora or mint :) and if you need windows, dual boot but otherwise just on your laptop!
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    Also, welcome mate!
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    I will go with mint (want to try fedora too tho). Mint is easy configurable and good for linux newcomers.
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    Elementary os was too elementary for me lol,, arch requires experience with linux
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    @-Neo Distribution is based on debian. DE is homegrown and based on QT5, but it doesn't feel like it. It feels like what GNOME-shell could've been.
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    My first distro was ubuntu and I dont like it, then I started using fedora and I love it.

    If u are starting with linux I'd recommend something debian based like mint, or if u want to struggle a little fedora. Arch is not easy but helpa you learn a lot
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