
Alright everyone. Who uses elixir and how do you like it? Thinking of writing a fairly large application using elixir and Phoenix

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    @Letmecode thanks for the input! I’ve been working in another Ruby-like language called Crystal, but BEAM really sounded great to me. Especially with the almost unlimited thread thing. Can’t wait to get started with it
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    @Letmecode good to know someone else has heard of Crystal. I love that language, but Elixir seems a little bit more stable. Otherwise I’d probably be doing this project in Crystal
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    Letmecode already gave the best answer. That being said, I'm also using Elixir so here's my input.

    It scales ridiculously well, performs well in soft real time stuff and has just all around nice tooling built around the Erlang VM. Has tons of benefits over something like node or even JVM. I've even come to love how helpful even the error messages are.

    The actor model is generally superior to other alternatives out there. I certainly hope elixir becomes the next big thing, which it deserves.

    You'll learn to appreciate it once you dive into elixir and Phoenix. Go for it! 💪
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    @vertti @Letmecode is there a good place to find mix archives? Something like npmjs.org or rubygems?
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    @dev0urer you won't find an abundance of packages like you would on npm. However, what you'll find is high quality packages with consistent well documented source code.

    Moreover, Erlang/Elixir/Phoenix got many bases covered for which you'd have to leverage community built oackages for in other environments. Particularly in node, which relies on external dependencies on virtually everything non-trivial (and even trivial)

    Ultimately, elixir is all about performance & developer productivity. I believe it's about the best choice in modern web backend development in 2017 generally
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