
We had a manager that blind-sided the entire Team. During annual reviews, he gave everyone on the Team an unsatisfactory/not meeting expectations. Why? Because rather than rating us on the work we were being assigned, he rated us against what our job descriptions said, but you can't do work you don't have. Not once, during any of our monthly one on one reviews did he tell any of us that we weren't meeting standards. No one on the Team got a pay raise that year. But, karma. Several month later, the company decided to do a 360, which is where we get to rate our manager anonymously. We're still here; he's gone.

  • 6
    A 360… so it danced and landed right where it started?

    Is all seriousness tho, glad for you
  • 1
    @Froot maybe for, "what goes around, comes around?" Not sure why they gave it that name.
  • 0
    the "what goes around comes around?"
    means that you have to go a path which is a full circle. and although 360º is a full circle you usually mean the direction without moving (thus no change in the end) by simly stating the degree which is why @Froot and probably a lot of other including me would have to read it twice and still think that you should not word it that way
  • 1
    @vadimir 360 review is a management term here in the US. It means that reviews aren't only top down, but bottom up, and peer to peer as well. The goal is to improve the entire organization.
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