
Question for you developers and DevOps folks with kids in the community, specifically those that work from home...

I have a daughter who will be 3 next month. How do maintain your focus and "edge" while still keeping a life balance?

I used to have so much time and spent hours upon hours coding and learning. Now I find it so tiring and like my brain is turning to mush.

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    @Ashkin what do you mean by subscribing? To what?
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    @tomwolters wait until he gets older :). I'm so mentally exhausted between daily work and child care that by the end of the day, I feel as if I can't expend anything else.
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    @tomwolters maybe after 3... I'll let you know! 😂
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    @noctemx subscribing to the thread so I'm notified about comments (:
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    My daughter is one year and I have the same strategy as mentioned above. Studying, coding and reading as much as possible when she falls asleep at night (and during the daytime nap during summer holiday).. sadly this makes me "absent and booring" and my marriage takes a great deal of damage. I haven't found any balance yet.. so I keep telling myself that things will be better when I've finished my studies... :-/ #everythingIsAwesome
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    @Ashkin oh ok, it's my first day 😁
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    @wrgl0 I'm sorry you're in the situation.. luckily my wife is understanding, but it's more of an internal struggle I think.

    Hopefully it will get better after you finish your studies. I'm also worried about this as well, as I want to start working on my degree again soon.
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    Same boat here. Used to spend 2-3 hour blocks on the nights and weekends coding. Now I rarely use my dev/gaming box at all at night or on the weekends. Non-stop family stuff when I'm not at work. I love my wife and son but sometimes feel like I'm violating that work/life balance ... on the other side!
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    @Vitoc agreed, it's such a dilemma!
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    I don't even have a girlfriend so I think I see the advantage of being a Nikola Tesla.
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    Just give up on learning and education until she goes to school or leaves home, you will have plenty of time then 😀
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