We're 2 months away from going live.

This has repeated for several weeks now :

Monday : 17 issues (aka bugs, incomplete features)

Work work work.

Friday : 7 issues
Nice. Lets get a good weekend rest and finished this next week.

Next Monday : 17 issues.
QA found some new bugs or some already resolved issues came back with different details.

...and repeat. Exact numbers, plusminus 1 or 2.

  • 7

  • 3
    Or don't write shitty code @Ashkin 😀
  • 1
    Welcome to devRant!
  • 4
    Oh I fucking hate QA, always report bugs as: x not working
    Or x must be changed as per discussion

    Yup, FML 😒

    As I'm supposed to know what is the error or what was the stupid discussion

    Not to forget I usually get 10 tasks in one ticket 😃🔫
  • 2
    @gitpush LoL I feel you. But to be fair, if the bugs go to prod build, everybody point to QA first... I'm just trying to help, but god damn, it's like watching a sitcom and I'm the main character
  • 0
    @Skayo been here for few months as silent readers...didnt know devs have support group!?? 😋
  • 0
    @mrafsyam sad but true. Poor QA
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