Starting to learn nodejs/express. It's not that scary as I thought..

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    The scary part is always t'he front end! 😁
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    The scariest part is seamlessly blending the front end with the backend. But node allows you to create some awesome things so gratz on getting into it. Feel free to ask if you need help 😊
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    The scariest part is that in case of unhandled exception all current connections will be closed, not only that one which caused it. Am I right?
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    It gets scarier the bigger stuff you build with it. In production it's nerve wrecking
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    Yea it's pretty sweet. You should try NVM it a version manager for node/npm and it works great!
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    Good on you.. I'd recommend getting into the habit of using a type system, Flow is an option for JS. Typescript is another good one if you're not too stuck to JS. A type system or checker will make using Node in production way better.
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    @faisal I rarely seem to have type issues in my software maybe once in a long while but I don't see the trade off?

    Is there any other benefit to using a type system?
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    @jamesharrington ... the main benefit is ease of testing for larger or sensitive systems.

    You can also possibly catch silly mistakes before the code even compiles with something like Typescript. So adds overall predictability.

    Probably not worth it for a prototype though. Also I'm mainly referring to backend (node) here btw.
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