This is my first time on a WFH setup.

Is it normal that our working hours are 8am to 5pm, but we usually start the work on 9 or 10am?

This is my second job and on my first job (on-site) is always full of task to work on. Is this normal for a WFH? 😬

  • 8
    Thats how most dev become as they age and get more experienced. Start late and finish whenever you're done
  • 4
    depends on the company rules, time zone and for the last '?' on the customers and current dev capacity ;)
  • 4
    @gymmerDeveloper I personally prefer when I start early and finish early if possible =]
  • 4
    @We3D same here. But...πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™‚οΈ
  • 5
    Just chill out and don't slack off too much. WFH is literally the best thing that could happen in your career.
  • 4
    I have morning meetings till 11:xx so I don't really start working on anything before that
  • 2
    Agree with everyone else here, best thing to happen for your career, and the work will typically speak for your productivity rather than the micromanagement of the time clock (in β€œsane” companies like @ostream said). My β€œofficial” hours are 9-6 but rarely questioned if I switch it up and work 7-4 or 10-7 etc.
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