
This is my life now...

  • 4
    As the QA guy in the company, this explains why I became slightly alcoholic.
  • 0
    @LeFlawk unit tests are tests to ensure that a small piece of code/logic (f.e. a method) is working as expected, either because it transforms data correctly or calls the appropriate dependencies
  • 1

    It's code which tests code.

    Ever found yourself reloading your app, clicking three buttons to create a user, updating a property, then find out there's a bug... try to fix it, start over, reloading your app, creating a user?

    Or do you have a checklist with pages/features to check, before a deploy?

    Unit tests and functional tests automate that human task of clicking buttons, and pretty much every language and framework has a well established testing library.
  • 0
    @LeFlawk unit tests run the code you're testing in various that a human might use it to find bugs
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