
Remember how u all got traumatized by tapping ctrl + s several times? More than once as if once wasnt enough? That same way now i got traumatized to `git pull --rebase` more than once before i create a new branch...

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    Hmm, weird. I'm doing it slightly different anyway. I use only pull and then "git rebase .". Is the git output different when you execute it multiple times?
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    Nah, the IDE does the saving for me. And i always do a fetch, update the dev branch, look at the log and then rebase my branch on it. I use my IDE's integrated gui for all that, so it is just a few clicks.

    Also: If you have committed before the rebase, you can always just undo the pull by resetting to the former head. It is still there, it just isn't exposed as a branch anymore. See https://stackoverflow.com/questions...
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    Can't relate I use autosave :p. Autosave ftw
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    @Jifuna same. I never understood why people don't use IDEs with autosave or IDEs that highlight if a semicolon is missing. Old boomers using 1992 technology
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    @b2plane yeah, but I kinda get it for frontend projects tho.
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    Because sometimes you have to change a source file in some obscure machine from ages ago that only happens to have ed installed, or plain vi, and have to deal with it.

    GUIs and IDEs are nice, like automatic cars, but it never hurts to know manual too.
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