So I'm in retail (blech) but I'm self taught and can do good front end web and learning more back end. But I want like a challenge or something really interesting. Any suggestions?

  • 5
    Build an app! Any app (web, standalone, mobile, anything you can think of!) I built the stupidest single-function apps when I started (like an amazon dash button connected to a raspberry pi running a python server to tally whether my bf or I took the dog out more) (He won the argument 😂)

    Make something that’s all yours that you can be really proud of, and that will drive you to learn more. And in the end, you can even get a job if you can prove to an interviewer that you know your stuff, and that you built these apps all on your own. Many without any formal schooling got a job in development this way. That’s the best tactic there is!
  • 4
    @BrokeTheInteger that's a good idea! I wish I could make an app to kill these entitled bitches that come into my store lol. But seriously, I am going to start brainstorming on an app!
  • 2
    @Letmecode I will look into both of those. Thank you!
  • 1
    Code golf
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