life is too short to make a description

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    That reminds me of a project I was in about 10 years ago. There were 4 developers in the team, no beginners. I insisted in the kickoff meeting, that we should write comments in the code, at least headers for classes, methods, and properties (yeah, C#, sue me). There's an option in Visual Studio that makes comments mandantory, so I activated it.

    It was my duty to write the framework, UI components, etc. All my code had header comments plus comments in the code where it was necessary.

    A team mate asked me about 2 months after the beginning to help him with a nasty bug he couldn't locate. So I opened up the sources, and it struck my eyes with a sledgehammer. There was only 1(!) other team mate who wrote proper comments. The third one had added empty comment blocks to every class, method and property, and the last one always added the comment "A comment is soon to come" to keep the compiler quiet.

    Needless to say, that I went home early that day and sobbed myself to sleep.
  • 1
    Life is to short to not have a description.
  • 0
    @bjorngi if you’ve had both these thought at one point in your life every commit is Schrodinger’s Commit. It both has and doesn’t have a message because life is both too short to write one and too short not to. You’ll never know until it is pushed.
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