tfw you're new to devRant, you post a rant and sleep, and.. you wake up with 37 notifications

lol this place is nice

  • 1
    Good job now go make yourself an avatar!
  • 1
    @dontPanic I did it \o/

    Though I don't necessarily like the provided sets of things, I didn't find good hair, nor a good match between shoes, shirt, and pants

    nonetheless its cool :p
  • 1
    @OverCoder you will get more choice whem you get more increments. Remember that devRant is made by only 2 guys, @dfox and @trogus. The latter one is responsible for everything design related and imo did a really good job
  • 1
    @dontPanic Yeah, they're doing very good for two devs, this is cool.
  • 1
    @OverCoder let me know what you are looking for specifically and I can see about adding them (photos help)
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