
It gives me utmost pleasure knowing that even people at Google forgot to remove the link to Orkut for three years!

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    Orkut, flooded with brasilians
  • 7
    The hell is Orkut
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    Wtf is orkut?
  • 4
    @Skayo @Dacexi Google's Facebook before they made Plus fail.

    And in my language it kind of means "Ear Cunt", so it never got popular.
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    @bittersweet actually, "kut" means cunt in Dutch. There is a Dutch word "oor" (sounds the same as "or" in Dutch) too which means "ear" so I guess it's earcunt 🤷🏻

    Edit: never mind, read it wrong 🙋
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    I wonder when will they finally update the mobile website version of Gmail.
    I've used the website version of Youtube and Keep and they are all updated.
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    @Jop- You never shout "kut" when you spill your drink over your keyboard?
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    @shivayl, there were so many Brazilians that a few years after it was created Google moved all the operation to Brazil. The second market I believe it was India.
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    Chess.com is bad. Use lichess.org
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    @linuxer4fun thanks!
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    @bittersweet wait, I thought wave was before g+? Never even heard of orkut lol
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    @Dacexi Wave was replaced by Google Inbox and Google Docs.
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    Wave was not even a social network iirc... Orkut was pretty famous here in India...
    The walls were dope... They were very customizable.... Scraps were there... You could see who visited your profile... I guess others could see who visited your profile as well...!
    This must've been the main reason Facebook took over in here!
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