
I am good to the programs I use.
I give the all the needed ram.
Except Android Studio, I don’t have a fucking server.

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    @Artemix For me it needs at least 3, up to 5 gb of ram + Chrome and my laptop crashes. This is on macOS and Linux(thanks to Rider windows is only for games).
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    had the same problem, added more RAM and now the processor is suffering. my computer turned to a plane. finaly i switched to react native ;]
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    @moolsbytheway I have most experience with Java and it’s my favorite language, so I can live with the problems.
    Also I have 6-gen core i7 which is maximum used 50% but the laptop is struggling because of the ram.
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    can you sell me that one. i can give more RAM 😅. mine is i5. its okay with 8Gb of Ram but the processor cant handle it. my computer gets warmer and warmer when using AS
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    @moolsbytheway Windows makes my Toshiba laptop very noisy but in macOS and Linux is ok.
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    @just-basic-user indeed, i'm using AS on linux. never wrote code on windows (i use windows just for photoshop and games. no hate 😅)
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    @moolsbytheway Well, maybe a little hate. I use mainly macOS, Windows is just for games(thanks to Microsoft for mac VS and VSCode and JetBrains for Rider).
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