Everytime I start writing code with nano directly from the linux shell.

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    I am starting to like you :)
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    Eeew nano
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    I am guessing you are vim fan. And that's ok, everybody is a little bit masochistic deep inside...

    Of course I understand, nano is good for small edits, and emacs is good for large projects, but why learning two tools if you can learn one, despite it sucks at both small and large edits.

    I also understand that knowing standard bash keybindings is useless, especially that both nano and emacs have similar ones and it may speed up work, which is usually not wanted in console environment.

    Also it may actually scare people that emacs have flexible plugin system that can actually transform emacs into something that can compete with eclipse - who in the right mind would do that!

    Why anybody would want to learn GNU tools that are made to be compatible with each other, when you can learn bunch of random tools and excel at none...
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    I am :)
    I just find VIM alot easier and faster when editing a large amounts of files everyday. Both insanely large edits and very small.

    I do find the keybindings in VIM much easier and it just "flows" better on the keyboard, I think you get what I mean there :)

    One thing I hate about the latest VIM version, is that they have enabled mouse support by default, that pissed me of alot.
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    @Linux why does support for a feature you don't use make you upset? Does it break your workflow or something?
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    It works bad toghether with Putty.
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