the only way I could proceed further now is studying research papers!

  • 0
    Which are not very useful unless you're good at math.
  • 3
    @rjcrystal why would people waste their time on this if they're not good at math!,😜
  • 0
    I recommend specifically survey style papers from IEEE OR IET
  • 1
    @triggerHappy i did coz i had to build a recommender system at my company and I'm not very good at math 😂. Ended up using library instead of creating custom algorithm.
  • 1
    You could always look into genetic algorithms on Matlav or octave
  • 2
    And artificial neural networks too
  • 4
    @0xH4lcyon thanks! I'm more of a researcher than a developer though! will see
  • 1
    @triggerHappy if you like maths and AI, matlab is one of those 'must experience' things, entirely orientated to AI and data science.

    I've been asked about it in security interviews too in regards to AI created ACLs and whitelisting
  • 2
    You should also try your luck with weka and R they're both really good specially R it has great library and its specifically for data science.
  • 4
    @0xH4lcyon cool! I used matlab at uni to do machine learning stuff. now using java to build a product!
  • 3
    @rjcrystal I failed at using existing libraries lol, creating custom algo is only left to help me!
  • 0
    Would the matlab libraries not help you construct your own?
  • 2
    @0xH4lcyon they do! just getting to know things deeply! 😝
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