
So i rant too

I was workink with 50y+ guy who think he knows programming

Its 1/5 rant about him

So he told he share his data through csv ( comma saparated values) but his own implementation

So he shared data in his own csv separated with sharps

I told to him about standardas. His reply was: he know lol

Its my share 1/ 10 wait for it the last will kill

  • 3
    Why in the hell would you ever implement your own csv format? does he also use base63?
  • 0
    @simpleJack idk the guy is insane he broke any standards u can imagine
  • 0
    @phiter already is but the s is 'space'
    Since it is a hash, it would be HSV (which makes it ambiguous with the colour representation)

    I can think of a legit reason for using a non-comma CSV and that would be for data that contains a lot of commas, yet you still want the data easily readable and perhaps convertible in tools that currently use CSV input (such as GIS/db/excel?) through a sed script or such.

    It's the equivalent of doing a s!search/something!replace/another thing instead of s/search\/something/replace\/another thing/
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