
Felt like a badass when I figured out a way to get my massive wallpaper collection onto my company provided laptop which was completely and I mean COMPLETELY locked down.

I couldn't bear the thought of using the default Windows wallpapers 😂

  • 3
    When my mum got her company laptop my first thing was logging in as the admin and making her account an admin account 😜
  • 2
    I had to hack into the Deka RnD server to be able to use custom stuff I wanted. After that I loaded it up with rainmeter stuff, someone noticed, and I got fired

    Apparently they're medically calibrated machines, but don't see the issue with Rainmeter. Shitty IT department was probably butthurt I hacked them the second week of being there. Lol.
  • 1
    @Starkium Ya they were definitely just butthurt lol
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