
Trying to help friend with setting up Code::Blocks so that he can start learning C++. Something is wrong with compiler as when he clicks 'build&run' nothing happens, tried many things, nothing helps. Anybody have any ideas?
I hate setting up those things for myself enough and here I am setting this crap for a friend :/

  • 1
    Restart your computer. I had the exact problem and it got solved upon restart. Sorry if you have already done this.

    Download CodeLite. It is a C++ IDE that just works.
  • 2
    Configuring code::blocks is a pain in the arse. Do you have:
    Mono framework

    All installed? Ideally you'd start with the code::blocks+mingw installer.
    Also, check that the PATH is set for GCC and MingW, the installer doesnt always succeed and it's a silent failure (stupid, I know).
  • 2
    Additionally, after setting the PATH, log off and log in again.
  • 1
    You're on Windows? Why not just visual studio? Sheesh.
  • 1
    that happened a lot for my friends.
    Usually it's one of the following problems for us:
    1) installed without compiler (thpugh I doubt that)
    2) sometimes after installation codeblocks fucks up with detecting the compiler so you just go to compiler settings and click autodetect. or manually do it yourself.
    3) (if using windows) windows can be a pain in the ass and sometimes just fuck up or block codeblocks altogether.
    If it's none of those then...

    I'm gonna make a potato computer when I get back home :D
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