
When I came home just now after a long day and opened my mailbox, I was instantly made a little bit happier than before.

Thank you @dfox and @trogus for creating this opportunity for devs to rant about little and big incidents and to seek advice and amusement. (And for the stickers, of course. :D)
Thank you all for being the awesome community you are.

(Two of the stickers were immediately stuck to one of my boxes and fit in quite well.
Edit: Also: sorry for potato, it's evening in Germany.)

  • 1
    those are some odd stickers ^^
  • 3
    "Bekleben verboten!" :D
  • 2
    @karwler Yeah, they are from my growing collection of stickers I got/exchanged at events I visited. :D
  • 2
    HOLY FUCK this is amazing!
  • 1
    @tahnik Thank you. :)
  • 2
    "Das Internet zerstört dein Leben" Well, true. :D
  • 2
    Bekleben verboten! Exactly :)
  • 1
    @hausen Moin! :)

    No, I'm not told to upload a picture with these stickers. I was, however, encouraged to "snap a picture of the swag in action and share it on twitter." [Roughly what it says in the accompanying letter.]

    Also, it's not a rule per se, some people do it, others don't, so reasons may vary.
    My personal motivation to post the picture was to show my appreciation and the stickers. I like stickers and highly suspect others do so, too.

    I hope I could help you. :)

    Have a nice day,
    die verschlafene Entwicklerin im Morgenmantel
  • 2
    @hausen @nin0x03 the ending of your comments are awesome and funny as hell. Wie kommt ihr auf sowas? 😀
  • 2
    @hausen Ach so! I thought it might be complicated but yeah being cool is good :)
  • 0
    @HalfBloodPrince Completely agree with @hausen. :D
  • 1
    Hell yeah, Brofist! :) *BOOM!*
    ( ... am I doing this right?)
  • 0
    @hausen Aber sicher! (Ha, OK. :D)
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