Resolving a problem that a senior couldn't. (17yo, junior)

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    Some would say beginners luck 😉

    Haha Just pulling your leg! That must have been an awesome feeling!
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    @VirtualProtect of course, I even have to teach an older girl than me,~24yo, html js css WordPress cpanels databases etc
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    @pinguluk Sweet, Good for you! You remind me of me 5 years ago, except I was proficient with Java/C#/C ! Keep it going man! If I were to give you advice, it would be: make sure you go into a post secondary degree.

    I went into software engineering and it was the best thing I ever did. If you truly enjoy developing, you will never dread going to school/work
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    @VirtualProtect thank you, man! And thanks for the advice! Cheers!
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    Sounds kind of /r/iamverysmart
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    Just keep in mind that that some time ago your senior was just like you. And someday in future one kid will be solving problems you can't deal with.
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