
Just me that really want's to get an RFID implant? Seems so usefull to just tap your hand against a sensor to login 😍

  • 12
    The perfect tracking device, you could then build such RFID readers into staircase handrails, door handles, and so on. Anyone will aleays know where you have been, and where you'll go next.
  • 4
    I also wouldn't want one, I guess that it will maybe come in the future but for now I am happy without one
  • 4
    Now instead of just stealing your phone/hacking your laptop people will cut off your hand to steal your credentials. If this coincides with the creation of cool bionic hands, then sure, it sounds like a nice idea.
  • 3
    Hello, NSA here, Thank you for you data. We promise, we wont keep it for ouselves
  • 5
    1940: Jews are forced to be tagged by government. The Nazis find them by their tags. They need their tags to buy stuff, get forced to do something based on their tag.

    2017: @Dacexi wants to get tagges. He can be found by such a tag, can buy stuff with his tag and can be forced to do things by his tag.

  • 2
  • 1
    @everyone I don't want to get some tag like that lol. Just an open source tag that I can add a hash for a diy program or something that I can use to authenticate.
  • 1
    I aggree with you sooo much
  • 0
    @Dacexi that doesnt remove the problem
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