Starting out vim + tmux send me best of luck.

  • 2
    If you don't already know about it, check out vim-dispatch: https://github.com/tpope/...
    It's one of the reasons I started using tmux.
  • 0
    @7400 thanks for the resource. I have tried to use it on daily basics for so long and has failed every single time. Hope I get through it this time.
  • 0
    Bummer. It actually worked for me pretty much out of the box and I haven't got any insight into the inner workings of the plugin, so I'm probably not of much help there, sorry :/
  • 1
    Oh how nice, try googling "tmux crash course" and for vim just use vimtutor.
  • 1
    You could use NeoVim as a replacement. It supports built-in terminals and I find it to be much better.
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