What type of a college offering computer science course doesn't have programming societies and does not care if the student know programming or not?
That's right, AN INDIAN ONE

  • 3
    Most colleges are like that in India. I had to learn everything on my own even after attending the college for 4 years.
  • 4
    I'm happy I dropped out. Truth be told, I'm making more money than guys with three degrees because I dropped out and utilised that time in learning web development.
  • 0
    @aravindio Saved your time as well as money. Did the right thing. I recommended the same to my brother but can't make my parents understand.
  • 2
    College was a complete waste of time. I sure learnt stuff but none of it proved to be practically useful. All I got a was a namesake degree. I'm glad I dropped out of masters and didn't waste any more time and learnt app dev on my own and now I know and can do more than my mates with three degrees. Always remember, only what you learn on your own will prove to be useful.
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    @greenhouse why are you being such a negative Nancy? People chose a different path, and they're successful in a different way. Don't shoot them down; you don't know their story.
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    @iSwimInTheC not trying to be negative. Just 'ranting'. Isn't that what this app is for? And the initial rant that everyone is replying to here, is about dealing with engineers with inefficient college educations..... maybe you should try working on not taking things so personally?
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    @greenhouse actually it isn't
    It is about the state of colleges in my country 😒
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