how many using vim in every day use ?

  • 7
    Pretty much any time I need to make a quick edit or a couple search & replace operations on a file that's not part of my open IDE workspace
  • 3
    I use vim everyday, but sometime also atom
  • 2
    Yea any time I am too lazy to start intellij (or I work on a server)
  • 1
    i find it way more complex than nano
  • 1
    It's my daily driver
  • 3
    i do, but since im on vacation rn, im not using it
  • 1
    @milkybarkid Where does this "driver" thing come from... somehow it annoys me when people use it for things like headsets, keyboards, editors, etc. These things do not drive, they're not vehicles.
  • 3
    Mostly to edit configuration files and view any text on a server where a desktop environment is non-existent.
  • 4
    @bittersweet It's just a metaphor, as in VIM is my go to editor.

    I mean I'm not actually saying you have helical underwear when I say "don't get your knickers in a twist".
  • 2
    There doesn't pass one day where I don't need it
  • 2
    Everyone at my company is using visual studio, so the projects are set up that way too. I'm using vim for every line of code that I touch, with some mappings to build the project within vim. Visual studio is there only when I need to debug something, so you could say I use vim professionally.
  • 3
    I use it for everything but Java. Intellij is just to good not to use for that.
  • 1
    I use vs code but tried vim. Didn't really like it :/
  • 1
    I use it for specific projects. I'm writing my own language now where I'm using vim, I've learned a lot. I also have a colleague who's a vim master who teaches me a lot. I really enjoy it.

    But I still use IntelliJ more often.
  • 2
    Me. I use Visual Studio all day though so I'm using the VsVim plug in.
  • 2
    I just switched to PyCharm but not without IdeaVim
  • 0
    Just the bare basics for servers and git bash on Windows.
  • 1
    I used Eclipse for our GWT projects and VIM for everything else.
  • 2
    Ideavim cvim ranger awesomewm arch zsh
  • 1
    Vim is the best way I've found to read large C projects. Small ones benefit from the workflow too. I couldn't do my job anywhere near as well without vim.
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