
So I've been working a project while now. last week we got a lot of changes from the client and the boss suggest we pull one of the senior devs from another project to help out. All good...until I checked the code...WTF!
For ex we have a method that checks and update weather info, if required, and returns a view(100 lines of code). so the client wants the weather to display differently in certain areas. exactly same data and everything just the view to look different. easy right..? Mr "senior" dev duplicates the method each time and just change the return statement to a different view...Fuck me right? Oh and 90% of CSS statements ends with !important. senior my fucking ass!

  • 5
    Senior has an unfortunate tendency to mean "worked here longest" and not so much mean "good". I feel your pain.
  • 0
    Good luck for this delicate situation.
  • 2
    Senior means - expensive, opinionated and being there the longest. Good luck changing his mind.
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