
Why do some non-devs treat professional app development like some kids craft-making hobby that requires zero skill and knowledge or brain?
A friend (with ZERO knowledge about coding) said to me today, teach me, or tell me how to learn this app development, I'll learn it within a month and make my own apps plus do freelance app work in free time, apps fetch plenty of money easily. Blah blah.
Not the first time, other non dev friends have talked in the same way on other instances.
It's insulting and infuriating. I don't even know what to reply.

  • 6
    Some people are just arrogant and think they can do everything in an instant.

    But honestly, how would a person without technological background know that he has to care about memory management and whatnot.
  • 10
    These days you find ads for "learning this and that in 2 hours" everywhere and people believe this bullshit.
    So let them try it out, and see if they are natural.

    And the other problem with IT related stuff is, that everybody thinks he knows it, just because he finds the power button. But heck no, using facebook is not mastering IT. And playing with the smartphone whole day long does not make you a professional whatsoever.
  • 3
    Yeah, teach me how to be a football (soccer) pro. I'll learn in a month... Yeah, right.
  • 2
    @scout let him do it and watch. Take some popcorn and see him fail. 😂😈

    I know this issue. Too many people who think this stuff is easy. 🙄
  • 5
    Make a bet, £100 to you if they don't, £500 to them if they do. They sound so arrogant (no offense) that it's very easy money
  • 3
    That was me 5 months ago, not so extreme though. The first week I started learning, I planned to finish an app in a year; now I think I need at least 5 years to make the same app properly. I still have a project that I'll finish in 2 months (I've been working on it for 2 months), and I think I'm on schedule.

    It's funny how the more you know, the more you know you don't know.
  • 2
    @gitcommit "It's funny how the more you know, the more you know you don't know."

    To the point! :)
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