
The scary future from Amazon Delivery...

  • 2
    @lumi what if some nosepicker developed the drone
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    If it delivers as is then i have no goddamn problem with it!
  • 11
    Occationally free stuff might fall from the sky
  • 9
    You could just build your own pirate drones that steal packages from them.
  • 0
    @GigabyteDX I hope😂
  • 5
    Trending job search : 1337 dr0n3 h4xx0r
  • 1
    Who cares of the random stuff bought from Amazon, I want that drone!
  • 3
    @lumi True but there's been reports of those drones actually trying to scan the houses where it delivers (the inside through a camera or whatever) so thanks but no thanks.
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    @Jop- True but you can shoot drones without being prosecuted for murder.
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    @Jop- Better than getting prosecuted for murder! But yah, glad I am not an amazonner in this case anyways :)
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    Lol wondering what they will do to ensure nobody steals the drone at delivery 😂
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    @linuxxx Oh my fucking god man. The paranoia is real with you 😆
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    @Froot Well this case has kinda been proven. Is it paranoia if it's true? And I'm also just joking around 😆
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    @linuxxx shoot the drone, make a gif and upload it here, I will be the first to upvote.
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    So this is how the drone war begins... time to dust off mine!
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