
Anybody notice spam is just getting worse and worse? Fucking scum bags spamming me every year about conferences for my current company. I also get a bunch of scum bag spam on my home addresses. One account is practically brand new. I made the mistake of contacting robin hood trading on this account and now I get stupid scam spam on there.

I want to stay professional on the pro emails, but I just want to scream and call them of a bunch scum bags.

If someone wanted to do humanity a favor it would be depopulating spammers from the Earth. This would lower frustration levels on the planet immediately. Scammers and spammers are all the same.

  • 1
    Just get rid of email entirely, I'd much prefer to receieve any relevant information on a secure platform with proper blocking mechanisms
  • 2
    Any time you sign up or give your email to anyone, use a + suffix (e.g. myemail+robinhood@gmail.com).

    If that address gets sold or passed on, you then know who's done it, and it's trivial to block it and send it all to spam, without affecting anything else.
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