ChromeBook for Web Dev using Cloud9?

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    what do you think of this chrome os fork?

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    @heyheni I like it. But my question was aimed at hardware. Are ChromeBook good for web development, considering the fact that I'm building them using cloud9?
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    But get a decent one with enough ram and use crouton to boot up linux.
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    @JohanO What is enough RAM? I don't need Linux, it's all online, on web
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    @marjanovicsteva min 4GB preferreably 8...and you always wabt linux in the end
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    @JohanO I currently use Ubuntu, but I don't really use the "Linux" part on it hahah. I'm a simple user. All I need is a browser
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    Don't listen to all of these people. You of all people can most adequately decide what you need. If you only need c9 then YES. My partner has a cheap Acer chromebook and it does anything a browser does, very well even. Battery life is insane
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    Chromebooks are great for using web tools like Cloud9, if you were also looking for an offline web development option I would really recommend https://chrome.google.com/webstore/...

    Yes it may be a chrome app and probably getting phased out but its a great web IDE for chromebooks.
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    I did a trial run with chromebook + server with eclipse che for a while, worked pretty well even for non-web dev stuff. With halfway decent hardware ChromeOS is pretty damned responsive.

    The main problems I ran into is that most chromebooks don't have modifier-free F-keys, no caps lock, right click requires a modifier or two finger click, and some of the common IDE shortcuts are mapped to other things.

    As for web IDEs, they are still not quite production ready, but they do show a lot of promise and mostly work. Can be a bit tricky to get them working just right, but that's improving week by week.

    If these are things you can deal with it could actually work.
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    Chromebook but install a Linux distro on it.
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    @nicholai Thanks for feedback 😄 Can you possibly tell me the model?
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    @marjanovicsteva I can in three hours time when she's back :)
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    @BigMacca101 Looks cool, thanks!
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    @azuredivay im still in a learni g phase and I don't really care for cross-browser functionality. I don't plan to do web dev professionally anytime soon. Im foing it for myself atm
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    Cloud 9 for web development on a Chromebook is possible. If I remember you get full Ubuntu workspace with sudo access. I actually want to try web development this way. It is possible to do
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    @cuervo It is! I've created http://stevit.coffeecup.com/index.h... this way. I'm really amazed how the one can create so much on a such a little and cheap device
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