
I think I failed my google interview. Interestingly though, I feel better than I thought I would have


  • 5
    Am happy for you I think
  • 4
    And now you know how to invert a binary tree on a whiteboard?
  • 4
    If Mary has 2 hands and she likes to wear boots, what’s her mother’s maiden name?
  • 2
    @Lensflare and not have any of the nodes confused
  • 3
    @ars1 Jane!! I am really feeling good about this
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    @MammaNeedHummus yes you are! It feels great not to have an interview trigger all sorts and levels of doubt about my skills. At the same time, it's probably an indicator that I may not be the best fit, at the moment for the company in question. It's just one company though
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    @MammaNeedHummus but hey, maybe am just dealing right, hehehe
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    @Melvynne get you hon!

    I aspire to be able to brush myself off and remember how far I've come as well as you can after something as bitter tasting as that.
    I think it's the mark of a good dev. Fail, fall over, and yet still keep trying until you get where you want to be.

    Be proud of yourself today.
    If it's too soon todo that, then be proud of still being good to yourself even when you're hurting and don't want to be🌻

    ^ I hope this makes sense I'm sleep deprived atm 😁
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    Sending love and congrats on maybe dodging a maybe-bullet
  • 6
    task failed succesfully
  • 4
    You dogged a bullet right there. I know some people dream of working there and I was too. But after visiting their offices several times, I can't help but wonder how blinded they are from what their company is doing. How much cool aid they're being fed of "how awesome" they are. And how prevalent sexual harassment is in these big tech companies.
  • 2
    Google is not the company it was. You'd get decent pay and a nice looking CV entry, but that's about it.

    Used to be great in the early 2000s. It's now a behemoth with little flexibility, lots of red tape, and sod all innovation.
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    Those big tech companies are dawg water. You'll be working on legacy code. Big tech companies don't innovate, they buy startups. Pretty pathetic. Plus management is just filled with robots.
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    virtual hugs
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    @Lensflare haha true
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    @ars1 Susan from Loitoktok
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