
Although I can easily support myself through my current manual labor work, I am starting to dread going to work because I just really miss programming and server management 😞

The job isn't even that bad but idk, I just really miss devving throughout the day 😩

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    Moreover when you stop doing development you feel a kind of guilt within and end up being upset 😛
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    @axed Not having that yet luckily but the happiness of arriving home and being able to do what I love again is awesome though!
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    If you're 6 figures just ride it out for a few, if not now we're talking, make your move
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    I have a dev job but I also feel that. I have more fun and deliver more value doing my personal projects then working/fixing other people's bugs and deciphering messy code and wondering what monkey could write this shit
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    @linuxxx I think I was in a similar situation for the past months 😀 the good thing is, you can think about programming a lot during labouring and when you get home its awesome to get back to it ^^ (if you are not too tired)
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    @stimulate but I'm usually too tired from doing the above all day...
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    As of yesterday, I was in the same position. I used to to manual handling for most of the day and other tasks at the same job for. 8-14 hours a day. I was working through university and self teaching at the same time but work took priority. Now I'm doing an intensive programming course that is funded by the previous hard work.
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