
Not really a rant but out if curiosity, what is your favourite text editor for web (so from HTML to JS to anything web) development and why?

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    My last job was working with Python Django. I used VS Code. I liked it because the integrated terminal let me see the server logs in real time. I could have one tab open to view HTTP status and another tab for running scripts against the database, etc. I always work with the browser separately.
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    vs code too, the extensions are great
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    Vscode, extrnsions makes it 9/10
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    Same as everyone else.

    Visual studio (vs) code, I just use it for everything...
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    I use WebStorm personally (or PHPStorm). You have to pay (unless student or open source project), but its very feature complete, so you don't really have to mess around with extensions.

    Other than that, VS Code is great and cross platform. Atom can be quite slow if you have a lot of plugins.
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    Atom, because of extensive plugin support and the open source community. :)
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    Brackets, because we use it on my school
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    Would you like to talk about our lord and saviour vim?
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    Sublime text with plugins
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    I used sublime text for 3 years then switched to VS code recently, it's really great and it's free :)
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    @lumi thy shall mod thine vim as many times as thy find it necessary
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    +1 for atom. +1 for web storm. +1 for vim.
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    First Love - Sublime
    Small Fling - Atom
    Probably life long partner - VSCode

    VSCode because the overall UI is very pleasing to the eyes, and the extensions are great.
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    VSCode feels worthless to me, but I'm doing Backend/DBA stuff. Laravel, Rust, Go... it understands all it poorly.

    So Vim for files & Jetbrains IDEs for projects.
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    Usually Chrome's devtools with Persistence 2.0 turned on (it's currently an experimental improvement of the current version)

    Otherwise emacs works just fine for me. (Web-mode and js2-mode work great)
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    I use NetBeans for everything! (yes, voluntarely without a gun to my head!)
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