
It seems almost everyone here is a web or mobile developer of some sort. Am I the only non-student, desktop developer? I occasionally do some backend web stuff, but I just do a lot of desktop stuff (mostly C++)

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    I couldnt find work doing desktop apps so moved to servers. Originally wanted to do (desktop) computational science. But my early years were gui and mvc with visual c++. Last desktop i did was for researchers in python actually.

    You have steady desktop program work? For Windows? Or for Linux? I couldn't do it now, whatever i knew is ancient now. Unless clients ok with tkinter lol
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    @plumbus Windows. I work for a very big undisclosed desktop software company.
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    Bioinformatician here, I write for desktops and compute clusters. All of my works is in Python, R, or C++ and mainly targets macOS or Linux. If it works on Windows as well, then yay.
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    We do web and desktop applications, but mostly web.

    Web is easier to manage releases and support so unless we're building something for a device that won't have internet connectivity or another obvious reason, we go for web.
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    Im creating GUI's, mostly for myself, if I need some small thing done. Because Im not so good at backend developpment. Also everyone/everything has its own website today, so there isnt much interest in creating desktop apps.
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