I don't like the "hype" culture/algorithm tech industry follows these days, like seriously.

I watched Marvel Spiderman 2's new trailer and now most of my YouTube recommendations is filled with "I spotted THIS in the new trailer" or "OMG Peter said what in the new trailer?" related videos.

And my Google feed is now full of "MSM2 will have this villain" or "Peter Parker faces off new villain in MSM2" news articles.

I get it, I am interested in this product, but It doesn't mean that I have forgotten about my previous interests and potential new topics I may be interested in.

  • 3
    I turned off all history tracking and recommendations on google. I am sure they still track some, but now they don't recommend anything other than new videos from my subscriptions and the general feed. It is a much nicer experience IMO.
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    You can remove those channels from your feed easily, or alternatively just single videos and check "I don't like this video". Click, downvote, and immediate exit should work as well.

    That's the way to control your recommendations. Especially don't fully watch stuff you want to get rid of, or watch them in incognito or with unofficial viewers.

    The way most people see the recommendations is that it's pushing content to you, but you can see it also in reverse. You control what you watch, and you have the power to control the recommendations somewhat. Your actions may also change what gets recommended to others, especially if many people haven't viewed the video yet.
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    @Demolishun I don't get a single watchable recommendation when I use incognito, but recommendations based on subscriptions sound quite nice actually. I would have a separate channel for the subscriptions I want to actually follow actively, and have a different one for controlling the recommendations.
  • 1
    Fully agree with you :)
    And those title formats you used as examples also make me cringe: if anything they make me want to click it even less... Don't tease me, then stretch my attention for 10-20 minutes only to say/show something which is completely bullshit and you damn well know it is :/
    And these vids/articles could've been max 5 minutes without all that crap as well.
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