  • 1
    @PaddiM8 I think it has udder(I had do look it up to find exact name for this in English lol) so it is female cow
  • 5
    But telll me About old school people never willing to change from their lifetime language
  • 4
    Meh React is for the fishes, everyone knows Preact is where it's really at.
  • 1
    But yeah I heard everyone starts somewhere lol, not feeling offended but just don't like when whoever never tries anything else than 1 thing . It's more of life principle .. buut:D if it's the best thing mhm good catch Fresh
  • 3
    .....until Facebook patented it.
  • 1
    ...*cough* Preact *cough cough*...
  • 0
    React is a useless piece of digital shit turning dev's into zombies touched with Stockholm syndrom. Version 18 and their community is still struggling to do basic async stuff. UseCallback... Oh my. Oh right, it must be front webdev reserved to genius only. Yes i am a hater because i Hate this pile of crap. 💩😆
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