
Been thinking about how to detect sounds for weeks and finally got enough time and motivation to do a Google search... and find an entire example....

All that thinking and worrying for nothing.... now i just gotta figure out how to install PyAudio.... hope it's not hard.... or maybe I already have it installed....

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    Either use pip if it's available in their index or just download the file or get it from an open source and install ( read the Readme ). The installation instructions may also be provided in pypi.

    I've tried my hand at it already. It's fun, you're beginning with an amazing journey, have fun!
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    @nik0333 I know pip but remember there was some dependency for some sample project that I had trouble installing... there's no precompiled version for Windows so would need a Linux env...

    I found it though actually I didn't need it but hopefully this won't happen with this one...

    Otherwise I'm gonna b raging again...
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    @nik0333 btw what's the difference between pip n pypi? N setuptools,easy_install, wheels, ...

    Why does Oregon have all the confusion and I think redundant stuff?
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    @billgates if I'm right easy_install is an older version of pip, and they both install python packages that are distributed as wheels trough pypi. Both easy_install and pip are built on top of setuptools.

    Edit: actually from the looks of it easy_install installs eggs not wheels wich are essentialy the same thing.
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    @billgates is it possible you are able to share that SOF link with me?
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    @crazywolf sure...

    (I just Googled it again using some words in the picture.)
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    @crazywolf sorry didn't mean that as sarcasm... Forgot to include the link itself https://stackoverflow.com/questions...

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