
- I have done this, this and this. I'm an amazing programmer even though i copied it from SO.

- Allright, could you explain this part since you did not write one single comment.

- (insert generic bullshit excuse)

you don't think he's the one getting the internship amd the summer job since he's the loudest? dear god, my fist, his face.

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    hmm. i'd just ask him to explain something like what solid stands for, what tdd is and perhaps how he would solve X problem, thats quite often seen..
    if for web development ask what API driven development is all about ... :p

    just taking quick and dirty samples.. ;)
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    @lotd We're both CS majors at the university, and i know for a fact that he totally failed the testing course.. He still won't get off his high horse, which is the worst part. I wouldn't mind some humbleness
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    My coworker likes to fill the air with what I call "fluff".

    Examples: "Oh yeah, that is a great solution" or "This is a terrible framework". Any generic sounding opinion.

    I quickly put an end to that by asking him WHY he feels that way and what makes it great/terrible/whatever he is claiming.

    Stutters and stammers...
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