You will never find a hater that's doing better than you.

  • 5
    the word "hater" is just such a dumb deflection. having different opinions isn't hate. If you hate someone or something, it's usually a strong emotion, not a comment on a social platform.
  • 3
    @Hazarth where did i mention opinions or anything? I said that more in a general sense of people not wanting you to succeed or do better.
  • 3
    @Hazarth for me too is hate a heavy word e.g. I hate almost nothing. I hate you is something you can only say once
  • 2
    I agree with Sid. Haters are the ones that don’t want you to achieve anything because they themselves are incapable of achieving what you’re aiming for. They’d rather see you fail to comfort themselves in their mediocrity
  • 0
    I’ve been that type of hater myself and usually hate myself for it
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