That feeling when a class has more lines of analytics/tracking than useful code :/

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    its so tech companies can use it as training data one day to do your job for you.

    I mean, it won't be your job anymore. Your job, along with 99% of the human race will probably be like "hobo cardboard 'affordable apartment' construction worker' or "robot hand-job machine operator behind walmart", but hey...

    at least those classes had analytics and tracking!
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    @Wisecrack i would mind if an AI would replace me to write all that fucking analytics code. It's boring.
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    *I wouldn't mind
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    @cafecortado wait, companies are now regularly requiring analytics code to be written by regular application writer, rather than relying on dedicated libraries and APIs?
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    @Wisecrack in my company sadly yes 🤡
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    @cafecortado I'm a fucking nerd for analytics. No, really. Have you seen half my math shitposts and related? Hit me up sometime if your company is looking for a few juniors to do analytics grunt shit.

    Would love to come write dashboards and analytics filler.
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