Who cares about living longer, with more money and not bzing ill? If I had a wish I'd get my oN room of hyperbolic time so I'd get to finish what I want and do stuff I know it'd take YEARS to do (i.e. read everything DC and Marvel ever released)

But most importantly, I would be able to finish my side projects.

  • 3
    ++ Purely for DragonBall ;) Concept is ace, tho
  • 0
    @Lahsen2016 I've been to the north, I could taste the neverending nights/days, it drove me crazy after a week :D
  • 0
    Sounds like heaven. I'd like to believe there is an afterlife where we can do whatever we want for ever and ever and ever... :) Maybe devs have our own heaven where we can have massive hackatons meeting up with any devs who ever lived - except for the evil ones that go to hell :D
  • 2
    In dev hell, there are no specs but the more deadlines. They have no keyboards or mice (except for the rodent mammal kind, biting you in the most painful places), just very unprecise 2" touchscreens. There's only one programming language based on the fuzzy logic of some irrational human, interpreted differently each time it's executed, depending on the mood of the inrerpretor...and of course, you get a fireplace poker in your derriere every time the interpretor program throws an exception or throws up, which is like all the time.
  • 1
    Make such a place and rent it out. You'll make a fortune. :)
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