
I need quit my job, my boss is an as***le... I want to kick my boss as** but, suddenly remember that I need this job, I need this money to help my mom and my sister to rise her childrens, my nephews...

  • 9
    whats holding you back to search a new one while on the current job? It's your life and happyness.
  • 2
    Take baby steps
    Slowly but surely, you'll find a better place
  • 5
    You don't need THIS job, you just need A job. If your boss is aware you're relying on him totally, he knows he doesn't need to treat you right. Look carefully at your options and move on if you can make it happen.
  • 4
    hey guys, today I have a job interview and everything goes well... xD
  • 1
    Guys, I have a new job!! starting tomorrow >_<
  • 0
    @abr4xas Awesome! Congratulations!!
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