
So I been telling Cox no to upgrading my modem for the past 2 months, my modem works fine, so now last night the modem just stops working, the internet is out and I call support, I tell them the problem and they without even thinking ask what version of modem I have, I tell then gen 2,they then offered a upgrade for free and the old gen 2 ones were not working lately, I reluctantly agreed to swap them for free, so after I got off the phone I was curious, I decided to packet sniff and find all my data is being sent just fine, but once it reaches the Cox main gateway it just drops the packet, I even pinged the DNS and it responded fine, turns out they just shut my connection off and basically forced me to upgrade to their gen 3 enhanced Wi-Fi bullshit

  • 5
    Have you confronted them with the issue? I mean surely it ought to be illegal or something!
  • 3
    But it's free.
  • 2
    @ryanmhoffman it's prolly better as well 🤷‍♂️
  • 1
    @matsaki95 what if, here's a crazy idea, it is cheaper for the ISP to upgrade, than maintain?
  • 0
    @matsaki95 same reasons we upgrade software? Old versions become deprecated/no longer supported etc. Not everyone is out to get you.
  • 1
    You got scammed. I would call them just to see what they can say.
  • 2
    So an update, I got both a new mondem/router box, and I hate to admit but it's actually better, I have full Wi-Fi everywhere in my house and it even has QoS my old box didn't have (now I can not worry about my March's online lagging because wife wants to upload some dumb video to facebook) and I also gotta free dvr box upgrade for my troubles but I think that's because I botched enough at them, and I got 2 free premium channels for a year, honestly I ain't even mad anymore this new stuff is just as they promised me.
  • 1

    Glad to hear that, enjoy your life.
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