
Anybody tried Yerba Maté? How does the stimulation compare to coffee? I need caffeine without coffee. I also heard about pills.

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    in germany there is this drink called club mate, it's nice with vodka 😄
    It's popular at hacker events like those from the chaos computer club, because it keeps you awake.
  • 1
    Club Mate is great and increasingly popular, so it isn't as hard to get anymore. Lately, I prefer plain green mate. I like the taste and it keeps me awake and productive best of everything I tried. I actually haven't tried yerba mate, because I liked the smell of green mate better.
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    Try meth, work wonders ;)
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    Do espresso in Yerba mate . It was my ritual before exams . Yerba is amazing . Tea is calmer with waking up but for sure widening your consciousness. And if you put that ramping up coffee man it's amazing combo . I need to buy Yerba p
  • 0
    Personally I stopped drinking coffee like 2 years ago, replacing it by black tea. Result : for me it's working even better for energy/stimulation, and without the occasionnal stomach pain that I was use to feel with coffee. Also, it tastes much better :)
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    @Masta hahahabababa drink good cofffe you . Master to be light fresh roast drink
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