
I've been stuck with bootstrap in the last projects at work but I wish to break free. Been looking a bit on material design. What other UI frameworks do you guys use?

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    Honestly, I tend to write my own styles.
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    @Ashkin For My own projects I usually do too, but in work there's a varying grade of CSS knowledge amongst the members which makes it easier to use frameworks.

    At my last job we didn't use any framework. Unfortunately. My boss there loved designing in tables (2 years ago). Yay
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    @BixelPitch Never heard of onsenUI, gonna check it out!
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    @Python agreed. I've been working with CSS for like 15 years, so I'm pretty comfortable with it.

    However, if your coworkers aren't very skilled... things get messy very very quickly.
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    @BixelPitch i wint use materializecss because much things like the inputfields doesnt look like real material design and some things more.
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    @BixelPitch Give "propeller" a try. Its based on BS3 :) Im using it the first time and only changed small things - working as charm out of the box :D
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    @BixelPitch no problem :) if u need a framework for materialdesign (or IOS) on hybridapps take a look onto "framework 7" ☺
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