Just realized that this app and community is the perfect example of a rule-less functional online community, it has everything that people would mostly believe drama occurs but no drama
Anonymity, relaxed rules, huge base, long reaching form of social media, yet it's possibly the most Las online community I've ever seen *knock on wood*

  • 3
    There is drama from time to time.
  • 2
    And still sitting here drinking my morning coffe after deployment, prod can wait
  • 2
    @harrocan oh shit I'm still on deployment what branch bro
  • 0
    @ihavePCSD always from develop to prod, who cares about testing, test are for weak, shitty coders! True programmer deploying his code right to prod and praying for miracle :D sad ending is that this praying usually works...
  • 7
    Thanks, and we'll do our best to keep it that way!
  • 1
    @dfox just realized that IT is really beliving cast, despite what statistics are saying 😀
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