The World Wide Web Consortium has, despite a lot of opposition and controversy, gone over everyone's heads and approved (without proper unanimous consent or compromise) DRM standards for the internet. What fun.


  • 2
    58% voted for the DRM thingy, so they did not go over everyone's head

    But that does not change the fact that it is stupid :/
  • 0
    @Linux 8% is not much of a majority. As mentioned in the article, they just gave away everything to the DRM advocates because they "didn't think they would be willing to compromise".
  • 1

    Well that how "democrazy" works
  • 0
    @Linux Even as a Greek, I'm not that much of a fan of modern democracy 😅 Simple majority is very rarely the right way to go I feel.
  • 1
    I do agree lol, sometimes a very nice dictator would be better lol

    But humans are evil, so RIP that idea..
  • 2
    @Linux The saying "If you want it done right you'll have to do it yourself" comes to mind, but so does "power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely" so we're kind of screwed.

    Personally IMO the best way to try and help stuff like this is to try and educate the "common" populace and help them understand. A great video I'd recommend related to this is School of Life's "Why Socrates Hated Democracy".
  • 1
    Agreed again lol :)
  • 2
    I personally has AES-128 on all my HLS streams so people don't just open VLC and paste the m3u8.
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