
At school I was excited when our teacher said he will teach us programming with VS.
I was expecting C# to show my skills but the he showed us a big book about Visual Basic with VS Express 2010.
I was literally dying.

  • 1
    At least that way you got a learning experience like the others. Since you already knew c#, the beginner class would have bored you even more.

    Dim havingFun As Boolean
    havingFun = True
  • 0
    I got hired for a .NET job and then found out they write in VB. If only it were dead :(
  • 1
    @CWins I am kind of ok with vb but we will use 2010 VS 😞 😭
  • 0
    What a horrible thing to do to you on your deathbed! Are you still dying or have you (figuratively) bounced back?
  • 1
    It's not that bad. I mean it's just a lesson in school. You're not going to marry it and in terms of challenge and complexity you will probably not need the most advanced tools.

    Most likely this won't be even close to worst things that will happen in your life as a programmer and if it is, you can make a face like a veteran and say "I've seen hell, and this is just a bonfire".
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